Technology is amazing. I am writing this post on my blog, and I will probably set a link to it on Facebook as well. That said, I really wish I didn't have to keep up with all of this technology. There are some who have to get the very latest piece of electronic, can't do without, wonderment. I look at these people, and imagine what it must be like to have to keep up with everyone in their social groups. Do we really need two ipads, and three ipods?
I can tell you that if I didn't have a business, I would not be on Facebook, and I wouldn't be tweeting. There comes a time in life where you need to clean up all of the techno clutter. What did we do when we didn't have Facebook? What did we do when we didn't have cell phones? We survived. We probably spent more time in each other's houses and spent more time with our children, family, and friends. That seems to be leaving us, in this highly selfish world we live in. A lot of us don't have time to really get to know one another like we used to. What ever happened to sitting on the back porch drinking iced tea and just talking?

Instead of these things we are all worried about making Facebook our own personal reality show. "I just checked in to the whatever inn." Great! "I'm having a hotdog at hotdog land." Fantastic! It's sad in a way that we want everyone to know each tiny thing we are doing at every second.
So in this super cool world of "look what I'm doing, look at me!" here's a little tribute to just being real and just being a family spending time with amazing friends. With something so simple as a snowfall and a few sleds you can have more fun than you could ever have posting a status update from your phone that you've just had the most amazing breakfast in the world with a map point of where you are. To these people, put the ipad or laptop down and go outside!
In full disclosure I do have a cell phone and am in no way against technology. I have a lot of it in my life and in my business. I'm just not addicted to it as some of you are. Live your life people, don't post about it. If anything take lots and lots of photos! You'll appreciate those far more than a Facebook posting. We don't need to know every move you make.
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